Corporate Responsibility

Chain of Responsibility

Our Commitment

PIL Australia, as a party with power to control, influence, prevent or encourage on-road behaviours, is committed to conducting our business in compliance with Australian National and State laws, regulations and guidelines. With that in mind, PIL Australia is committed to delivering the following standards:

  • Communicating CoR policies and procedures internally with our CoR facing employees and externally with our partners to support and drive a consistent understanding and application of CoR regulations.
  • Providing CoR training for all our employees with control over any transport tasks, providing a clear understating of their responsibilities under CoR and the reasonable steps they may take to prevent breaches of mass and dimensions, loading, speed and fatigue laws, and
  • Monitoring, reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of business practices to achieve our goal of Chain of Responsibility compliance and a safer work environment for our internal and external stakeholders as part of our culture of safety.

Shared Responsibility

Everyone in our supply chain, from our company to our contractors, subcontractors, partners and customers, share the responsibility for compliance with the Heavy Vehicle National Law and must take all reasonable steps to prevent breaches of the road transport mass, dimension, loading, speed compliance and work hours laws.

ALL parties are required to adopt practices to facilitate compliance with CoR laws which may include, but are not limited to, and may vary depending on their role in the chain:

  • Providing accurate documentation which reflects the actual total mass and dimension of loads and ensuring that all loads do not exceed any applicable mass, dimension and load requirements.
  • Checking the maximum payload weight of the container is appropriate for the goods before packing and can be legally transported from the loading site.
  • Ensuring business practices and any request or instruction for road transport do not cause vehicle drivers to operate while fatigued, exceed fatigue and speed limits, or fail to comply with mass, dimension and load restraint requirements.
  • Ensuring compliance with the National Transport Commission (NTC) Load Restraint Guide that relates to packing, loading and load restraint requirements for the safe carriage of loads.
  • Ensuring that no person can make a request or put in place any contract which would cause, encourage or provide an incentive for a driver to drive whilst adversely affected by fatigue and/or in excess of their applicable work/rest hours limits.

The information in this statement is a summary only. For more information please refer to our Chain of Responsibility Policy.